User’s Guide to Website Menus


The following information provide an overview of the menu materials you should find useful in facilitation of activities.

STORIES features young people speaking about issues they experience in their schools or communities. They can serve as a starting point for classroom discussion, for which the following might be helpful.

It always is important for facilitators to open and frame topics, explain the importance, and review the process to be used.

Questions to Consider and Discuss
  • (In accordion menu under video, stories, etc.)
  • Can be used as a starting point for a class discussion or written reflections to debrief stories and videos.
  • Are there additional questions or issues you would discuss? What are some of the solutions that come up?
Explore Your Rights

Use our #youthcivilrights hashtag and create Twitter or Facebook hashtags of your own to extend the discussion to online spaces.

FEATURED STORIES is a quick menu to all stories on the website, with one such story highlighted at the top of the page.

PERSPECTIVES is a sub-menu to “Featured Stories” that includes materials sent to us, which do not necessarily represent the views of the Youth Civil Rights Academy.

SELECTED TOPICS is another sub-menu to “Featured Stories” and contains materials that are public and might be used as above.

RESOURCES include links to websites that are public and might be used as above.

Most menu items below “Resources” are from adult allies with commitment to civil rights and social justice.  

TIMELINES provide historical events that can be scrolled through or clicked into for additional information.

GET INVOLVED is a Call To Action and includes:

JOIN THE CONVERSATION directs you to social media posts on civil rights and social justice issues.

SHARE YOUR STORY is a place to submit issues that are of concern to you and your school or community.

We hope that these materials and resources will be helpful to discussions in your classrooms and communities.

We believe that whenever a civil rights or social justice issue arises, young people benefit from adults who are willing to step forward, say something, and start the conversation.

The Youth Civil Rights Academy aligns itself with the University of Michigan’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives, with special commitment to:

Diversity – respecting differences among individuals and groups;

Equity creating opportunities and challenging discrimination; and

Inclusion where everyone can participate regardless of the groups to which they belong.