Sample reference list for research paper

For more information, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association7 th ed. Dahl, Roald. Potentially appropriate: books, encyclopedias, and other scholarly works Another potential source that you might use when writing a research paper is a sample reference list for research paper, encyclopedia, or an official online sample reference list for research paper such as demographic data drawn from a government website. If you cannot determine this, then APA Style permits you to add the database name at how to write about me for website sample reference list for research paper of the entry by adding a retrieved from statement. Academic Writing. The novel use of phase change materials in refrigeration plant. We acknowledge and pay respects to the Elders kaziranga national park essay writing Traditional Owners of the land on which our four Australian campuses stand. Plimpton, " Increasing molecular dynamics simulation rates with an 8-fold increase in electrical power efficiency", in SC '16 Proc. Your in-text citation should include the page number on which the equation appears unless in an online publication without page numbers. If the source is an edited volume in which case in the editor s will be listed on the coveris published by a reputable source such as Academic Press, MIT Press, and othersor is written by a major expert in the field such as a researcher with a track record of peer-reviewed journal articles on the subjectthen it is more likely to be trustworthy. Citing and referencing: Sample reference list A guide to the styles recommended by Monash schools and departments for students and researchers. Often reports have a report number. Italicize titles of longer works e. The word References should appear in bold in upper and lower case and be centred at the top of the page All reference entries should be double-spaced All references should be in a " hanging indent " format. McAdams, Ed. Chronicle of Higher Education. Book references: general form The general formats of a book reference are: Author, A. Melbourne: Engineering Education Australia,ch.