Kaziranga national park essay writing
Wild Grass Lodge The Pafk Grass Lodge is a jungle lodge located outside of kaziranga national park, kms from guwahati, assam. So, if, by chance, tourists have some extra days exsay their disposal than go to writihg list of places mentioned below to make the holiday even memorable. The Endangered Kaziranga national park essay writing dolphin is also found in kaziranga national park essay writing types of informative essays the closed oxbow lakes. Notify pari of new posts by email. However, key threats include rhino poaching, riverbank erosion, invasive species, tourism pressure, heavy highway traffic, and livestock grazing particularly in the areas which have been added to the park. There are many different aquatic floras in the lakes and ponds, and along the river shores. Archived from the original on 27 April Retrieved 4 January Archived from the original PDF on 21 February Check it out! Flood caused by overflow of river Brahmaputra, causing significant loss of animal life. The single rhino, for which the area was famous, persuaded her husband to take immediate measures to protect the dwindling species, which they had planned for their protection. National parks of India. We will occasionally send you account related emails.