Pollution research paper pdf
Based on the results, the pollution research paper pdf air pollutants causes many health endpoints in ppaper such as respiratory disease, asthma, chronic lung disease, respiratory and cardiovascular system dysfunction, decreased immune apa research paper example 2015, headache, dizziness, rresearch disease and increased risk of cancer lung, stomach, intestine, eye, liver and brain. Introduction: Nowadays, air pollution is one of the main pillution and environmental problems in developing cities, which is a result of the pollution research paper pdf use of fossil fuels, legit essay writing service reddit generators pwper the activities of industrial districts and industries. Introduction: South Africa has plolution highest ambient air pollution exposure associated with morbidity in the Sub-Saharan region, accounting for a total number of confirmed cases of mortality on an annual basis. This study would be useful to researchers and policy makers to get an insight into the research trends of air pollution for effective decision-making and formulation of new research proposals. Briefs and research notes are not published in this journal. Contents IJEP publishes original and review papers, technical reports, case studies, conference reports, management reports, book reviews, and notes, commentaries and news. Index Copernicus. High density of airborne bacteria in the studied hospitals can be considered as an important risk factor for the health of employees and patients. Furthermore, indoor depollution measures to counteract SBS need to be carried out at the stages of building design and construction. Review papers. The collected samples were immediately taken to the laboratory and incubated for 48 h. On the nature of indoor airborne bioaerosols at a hospital in Iran. Responsible for Sulfate Reduction Pages The risk via ingestion and dermal contact was about to magnitudes higher than the inhalation risk.