How to write a cover page for a research paper

If not instructed otherwise, students should include the following elements:. Essential 1. How do you format the names of multiple authors? Do not use any special formatting, example of recommendation in research paper pdf as underlining, highlighting, or italicizing. Before You Submit Choosing Effective Keywords As the volume of research output and the number of journals expand, identifying relevant studies in the how to write a cover page for a research paper is becoming increasingly challenging. The title of the paper. Let us help you produce the most effective cover letter possible. Print Tweet Share on Facebook Was this helpful? You may also include possible implications of your research and future work you see connected with your findings. Apa Title Page Template. Here is an overview of each of these types of cover pages: APA Cover Page The APA cover page should start with the running head, positioned at the top left of your paper. They will not be counted as contributing to the length of your paper. A research paper is an academic paper where one can address a problem or an issue through a systematic study or investigation of material. Although few authors do this, you should be aware that providing information about yourself and your coauthors can be helpful at some journals; at others, it makes no difference. The page number should not be included in a CMS cover page. Sometimes great science will be reviewed regardless of the cover letter, but a well written cover letter is useful for the vast majority of scientists who want to make their research stand out.