Example of recommendation in research paper pdf
In example of recommendation in research paper pdf Page. Recommendation The NCS should prepare a plan for monitoring progress of oof study in reaching its sample size goals. Community Engagement Recommendation The NCS recommwndation engage communities in selected study implementation, data analysis, and data interpretation activities that go reseatch recruitment. Answer: Research implications basically refer pdv impact that your research might have on future research or policy decision or the relevant field of interest of your study. Because of this, research paper on mobile communication pdf will be difficult to rexommendation how many households must be initially selected to produce reaearch probability sample of 1, births in each of the NCS sites. Recommendation The Example of recommendation in research paper pdf should develop refined and detailed exmaple for studying reproductive development outcomes, which, as presented in the research plan, often lack clarity in measurement and research design. Recommendation To ensure a diverse exposure profile in the sample, the NCS should consider a careful assessment of variation in ambient exposure to chemical agents within each PSU. Recommendation We strongly urge the NCS to delay enrollment at new sites to make effective use of initial findings from participant enrollment and data collection in the Vanguard Center sites to improve study procedures, as appropriate, and to refine key concepts, hypotheses, and measures of outcomes and exposures. Data Linkage Recommendation To facilitate linkages of NCS data with environmental exposures from other databases, such as measures of demographics, crime, government programs, and pollution, the NCS should develop a plan for geocoding the residential addresses from prebirth through adulthood of all participating children to standard census geographic units. Recommendation The NCS should consider the use of personal air sampling methods for a subsample of participating women and their children for measuring exposure to air pollutants. Like the scientists associated with the study itself, we are eager for it to succeed. Recommendation The NCS should add to its well-planned battery of demographic and socioeconomic measures questions on immigrant generation, languages spoken, and, if possible, the legal status of the parents and child. Missing Exposures Recommendation The NCS should add measures of access to and quality of services, including medical care, education, child care, and services, as potential mediators of health and development outcomes and to improve the assessment of information obtained through maternal reports.