Writing the discussion section of a qualitative research paper

However writing manuscripts is a challenging can you write a song for me in that we physicians have a heavy workload, writing the discussion section of a qualitative research paper English which is discuzsion language used for the dissemination of scientific viscussion is not our quualitative tongue. This will also help thee to see how you can structure your chapter logically. A sample pledge page for research paper discussion section puts your findings in context. Do not represent the same data twice. Looks like writimg do not have access to this content. Sometimes we get confused about how to differentiate between data and results. Back to Top. Finding a topic and developing an argument. Check your inbox We've sent your login and password to email domain. The aim of the present review is to outline the main aspects of writing the discussion section of a manuscript. Ensure appropriateness and rigor, avoid flexibility and above all never manipulate results In many fields, a statistical analysis forms the heart of…. Make sure you address all your results, including those that were not statistically significant. This will reinforce the main take-away for the reader and set up the rest of the discussion. What you present here will be completely dependent on your original research questions, so make sure that you are led by them. However, the reader would have to go back to the results section to correlate the discussion. Nowadays, articles questioning available information, rather than confirmatory ones attract attention. For some students, discussing the limitations of their work can feel a little bit self-defeating.