Writing essays and creating portfolios are what type of assessment

As students hear themselves tell each other about the value and meaning of their work it will become more valuable and meaningful to them. By telling their own stories students can writing essays and creating portfolios are what type of assessment ownership of the process that led to the growth and achievement. Recognize positive attitudes and achievements with personalized student award certificates! Possible Solutions. Other teachers evaluate the entire package: the selected samples of student work as well as the reflection, organization and presentation of the portfolio. Again, the student, teacher and parents might be good audiences for such a collection, but other natural audiences come to mind such as class or schoolmates, external audiences such as employers or colleges, the local content writing cost per page in india or school board. Many writing essays and creating portfolios are what type of assessment intentionally involve the parents in the development of the portfolio or make parents an audience or both. A blog is a personal journal updated frequently with links, commentary, and anything else someone chooses to post there. Portfolios help teachers determine whether students can apply what they have learned to new problems and different subject areas. If your purpose is merely to collect work samples to pass along to another teacher or parent, there is no need to actually grade the portfolios. Purpose: What is the purpose s of the portfolio? What Are Your Strengths and Weaknesses? Critique A critique is a genre of academic writing that briefly summaries and critically evaluates a work or concept. For example, if a student participated in an internship or completed a project under the guidance of an expert mentor from the community, students could create portfolios over the course of these learning activities and submit them to their teachers or school as evidence they have met certain learning expectations or graduation requirements. As students reflect on the balance of their work over some period of time, there is often a great sense of pride at the growth and the accomplishment. Some portfolios are only intended to evaluate learning progress and achievement in a specific course, while others are maintained for the entire time a student is enrolled in a school. Almost every school district now administers state-mandated standardized tests. Why do it?