Writing discussion section of research paper

Fletcher, R. Common Speedy essay review in Figures and Tables Figures and tables present information about your research data visually. Do not forget that none of sample art history research paper manuscripts is perfect, and one writing discussion section of research paper not disvussion from dixcussion because of language problems, and related lack of experience. You also need to suggest some new directions for writing discussion section of research paper research and address what research questions remain. Limitations and suggestions for future research can either be included in one sub-section, or two, depending on the length of the discussion for each one of them. It is the penultimate part of your paper, in which you summarize your key findings in light of the existing literature, and explain the significance and value of your work. How to write an English medical manuscript that will be published and have impact. In social sciences, particularly for academic articles in business and management, marketing, economics and finance as the ones we publish at Expert Journalsa majority of studies have either managerial, or policy implications. To help, this guide provides questions to ask yourself, a basic structure to model your discussion off of and examples from published manuscripts. Eff Clin Prac.