Writing a prospectus for a research paper

More success stories Hide success stories. We also know about the rise of writing a prospectus for a research paper modern welfare state and postwar Keynesian tax-and-spend fiscal policies, which sought to smooth the rough edges of modern capitalism. Helpful Reminders for Prospectus Writing Citations, if used, are from peer-reviewed help writing an essay introduction scholarly sources only. Who is your intended audience? Cookies make wikiHow better. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0. Thank you. You will need 6 or more references from peer reviewed journals. Undergraduate Writing Interdisciplinary vs. Unlike most social historians who focus exclusively on consumers at the grass roots, Pocketbook Politics breaks new methodological ground by insisting on the centrality of national politics and the state in the nearly century-long fight to fulfill the American Dream of abundance. In introducing their books, historians make similar claims about their own work.