Writing a discussion section of a research paper

Unlike the abstractthe discussion section of a paper does not have a broad readership per best academic essay writing service but is written for both beginners to that particular area of science and experts of writing a discussion section of a research paper same. With the latter approach, the target is rapidly attained. Middle Paragraphs: The middle paragraphs should include the following Secondary results Limitations Unexpected findings Comparisons to previous publications Last Paragraph: The last paragraph should provide a summarization conclusion along with detailing the significance, implications and potential next steps. An effective conclusion is one of the most important aspects of the entire manuscript as this is the final impression that the reader has after reading the study. Also, it is important to point out and clarify any new understanding or contributions your study brings to the problem you have examined. Your conclusion should:. Thanks a lot! During writing process of the manuscript one of these can be selected based on the intensity of the discussion. Thanks for sharing the marvelous info. Use subsections and subheadings to improve readability and clarity. Turk J Urol. Sign In. Each word whose removal will not change the meaning should be taken out from the text. To ensure that the discussion is organized appropriately and contains all essential information, the following structure is recommended:. Fletcher, R. How can future research build on these observations? Effective writing and publishing scientific papers, part V: results. Then support your interpretation with evidence.