What is included in introduction of research paper

Featured Articles How to. Better Hypothesis manipulative experiment. Prev Next. You can say something like: "Computers brought about ease in human performance. Don't overwhelm the reader with an over-abundance of information. If you're interested in more writing tips, check out statistics essay writing 10 Tips for Writing an Effective Abstract. For example, instead of stating "In this study, we show that X is related to Y by method A," you could say, "In this study, we hypothesize that X is related to Y, and we use method A to test this hypothesis. Nederlands: De inleiding van een onderzoek schrijven. If you plan on submitting to a highly specialized journal, however, you can begin this section with a much more specific and focused description of the background, as most of your readers will already be familiar with the context of the study. The introduction will also explain if and why your study is new in the subject field and why it is important. If your pilot study influences your biological rationale or hypothesis, you need to describe it in your Introduction. Gap in knowledge The description of closely related previous studies, as discussed above, should clearly outline a specific gap in our knowledge or understanding of a specific question or phenomenon in the field. How to Draft the Acknowledgment Section of a Manuscript. We need additional information from you.