Tips for writing a descriptive essay

The key to a good descriptive essay is to really dig into the five senses as they relate to the subject of your essay. Avoid telling a story unless it is of central importance to the description or tips for writing a descriptive essay understanding of it. Share now, save tips for writing a descriptive essay later:. Describe what is thesis statement in essay writing topic with vivid adjectives. Strengthen essay writing tips college essay further by using metaphors and similes to describe your topic, and the emotions it evokes. If you choose "showing" words, those that supply vivid sensory details appropriate to your subject and purpose, you will succeed in showing rather than telling. The best part of writing descriptive essays is that they can be about anything so don't be afraid to just have fun with it. Some descriptive essays are about an emotion that you connect to or relate to. Show the draft to peers, teachers, family members, and mentors. Daniel Omale. Learn why people trust wikiHow. If you describe a place or a thing, choose one that is meaningful to you. Add more detail to the paper or take unnecessary content out to reach the word count. When you read through the table of contents for a particular book, you will be able to know what the book is all about and when you proceed in reading it, you get to understand it better. If you are describing an event, you will need to write your paragraphs in chronological order. Skip to Content Skip to Sidebar. Thanks for this nicely presented hub.