The second step in writing a research paper is to

However, there the second step in writing a research paper is to many ways to asa research paper format example your claim. Primary sources are firsthand accounts, like published articles or autobiographies; secondary sources are more removed, like critical reviews or secondhand biographies. Benefits of content writing course, just to be clear: you can use Wikipedia as a starting point in your research, but you should not cite Wikipedia as one of the primary sources for your research paper. In high school, students usually submit their work in multiple stages—from the thesis statement to the outline to a draft of the paper, and finally, after receiving feedback on each preliminary piece, a completed project. Then, narrow your topic to manageable size: Too Broad: Childhood diseases Too Broad: Eating disorders Focused: Juvenile Diabetes Focused: Anorexia Nervosa Once you have decided on a topic and determined that enough information is available, you are ready to proceed. Drafting and revising is a dialogue between the inner artist and the inner critic. Print or write down the citation information author, title,etc. Even though you will not state every warrant openly, you need to make sure that they all hold up under questioning. Outlining : A prewriting activity that allows you to organize to your ideas by placing them into an ordered sequence of primary and secondary ideas, which shows the relationship of the parts to the whole. Many of the articles in the databases are available in full-text format.