Stem cell research paper outline
When signals enter how to write research paper literature review cell and the differentiation process begins, genes that are no longer needed are shut down, but genes required for the specialized function will remain active. Stem Cell Research Stem Cell. This is not to be said that the life of an early-stage embryo is to be taken lightly. The extracellular microenvironment plays a significant role in controlling cell behaviour. Author manuscript; available in PMC Stem cell research paper outline The best stem cell source appears to be the fibroblasts, which is more tempting in the case stem cell research paper outline logistics since its stimulation can be fast and better controlled [ 44 ]. The workshop will examine several aspects of stem cell research, including: the biological properties of stem cells in general, the current state of knowledge about the molecular and cellular controls that govern transdifferentiation in cells originating from different types of tissues, the use of stem cells to generate neurons, heart, kidney, blood, liver and other tissues, and the prospective clinical uses of these tissues. Dental pulp stem cells differentiation reveals new insights in Oct4A dynamics. Directing lung endoderm differentiation in pluripotent stem cells. Cells appear to be flat with defined borders, in contrast to differentiating colonies, which appear as loosely located cells with rough borders [ 5 ]. Page 9 Share Cite. De Anna G. The committee hopes that, by addressing questions about the scientific potential of stem cell and how that potential can be best realized, it can contribute usefully to the debate and to the enhancement of treatments for disabling human diseases and injuries. Some possible sources for these stem cells include embryos created via in vitro fertilization for either research or reproduction ; five-to-nine-week old embryos or fetuses obtained through elective abortion; and embryos created through cloning or what is known as somatic cell nuclear transfer Liu 1.