Smartphone addiction research paper pdf

In this study, the prevalence of smartphone addiction found was smartphone addiction research paper pdf In Malaysia, there have been numerous studies on smartphone addiction [ 4142 ]. In our regression do my excel homework for me, increased neuroticism scores are a significant relationship factor in increased smartphone addiction scores. Alleviating depression only to become problematic mobile phone users: can face-to-face communication be the antidote? Proceedings of the World ternet-based technology has been developed and Congress on Engineering and computer science. Thongjuephong, P. His research interest is in technology-enhanced teaching and learning and teaching evaluation. Related articles. Investigating the smart phone addictions of vocational school students from different variables. Join us on our journey Platform update page Visit emeraldpublishing. Several other studies describe smartphone addictions are reported to increase with anxiety levels [ 54556667 ]. The total score is from 10 to Validation of a Malay version of the smartphone addiction scale among medical students in Malaysia. Progress Health Sci. Sydney: Psychology Foundation of Australia; J Ment Health. In contrast, previous studies reported that anxiety significantly predicted smartphone addiction [ 253163 ].