Sample research paper on asthma

This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. More Related Topics. Factors associated with gesearch exacerbations during a papsr clinical trial of controller medications in children. Keywords: asthma, burden, children, cost, epidemiology, prevalence, morbidity, mortality. Any sample research paper on asthma researc you need, we have a suggestion for a great paper. A positive mAPI in the preschool years has been found to be highly predictive of future school-age asthma [ 20 ]. Sources and citation are provided. If the patient requires nebulized salbutamol and is not ordinarily on home nebulizers, he or she should be admitted. Furthermore, patients should be advised to use a combination of avoidance measures for optimal results, since single-strategy interventions have demonstrated no measurable benefits in asthma control [ 16 ]. Daily versus as-needed corticosteroids for mild persistent asthma. Introduction Asthma is among the life-threatening medical complications that require emergency acute nursing care.