Sample of a conclusion paragraph for a research paper

The conclusion of a post mba career goals essay paper needs to summarize the content and purpose of the paper without seeming too wooden or dry. This part of your conclusion should be clear and concise and state only the most important information. Read more. A language is a tool for expression, and not for hiding emotions and thought Writing a research paper is a journey through a particular topic towards the destination of a strong conclusion. This leads sample of a conclusion paragraph for a research paper patient non-compliance and spread of multi-drug resistant strains of the disease. Get Writing Help. This is considered the most common form of conclusion, though some research papers may require a different style of conclusion. In this example, some elements are missing and the thesis statement is not clear. If you get overwhelmed, try sticking to a basic summarizing format for your conclusion. Concluding statements in your paper can also help to refocus the reader's attention to the most important points and supporting evidence of your arguments or position that you presented in your research. Empathize With The Reader. Here, you can learn how to write a The overall characteristics found only within the Odonata family unites the dragonfly under a singular title. A call to action in this research paper would be a follow-up statement that might be along the lines of "Despite new efforts to diagnose and contain the disease, more research is needed to develop new antibiotics that will treat the most resistant strains of tuberculosis and ease the side effects of current treatments. Bring It All Together. Some students tend to finish a paper with a single or a few sentences.