Sample mla research paper

Thereafter, only the surname is used. Since then, the number of private Yaffarabe 3 sample mla research paper facility sample mla research paper has grown to 14 Austin and Coventry 3. Personal interview, Date of interview. The Writing Center also has a handout on signal phrases with many different verb options. Remember to do both steps - the Works Cited page and the sample mla research paper citations - to build pte writing essay structure credibility as a knowledgeable writer and to avoid plagiarizing someone else's work. Title The title of your essay and the titles of sources should use capital letters for the first letter of the major words and the first words of the title and subtitle. It is a helpful and clearly labeled visual aid to refer to. For example, for a journal article accessed through a databse, container 1 would be the journal title, and container 2 would be the database title. You must also cite, in the body of your essay, the source your paraphrased information or where directly quoted material came from. Avoid including the middle initial even if it is present in the works-cited-list entry. For parenthetical citations, shorten the organization name to the shortest noun phrase. The example research paper below is one that was written in college for a course on the Inklings. Steinman, Louise. Three or More Authors: Brown, Jack, et al. MLA requires these elements in a certain order, with specific punctuation that follows each element. Due to its length, the remainder of this sample paper is omitted. Citation Basics. The examples given are for one author.