Sample abstract experimental research paper

Additionally, males who reported lower perceived job security and less supervisor support were sick with upper respiratory infections on more days across the study basic research paper outline template were those with greater job security and supervisor support. Research Methodology This is the section where you spell out any theories and methods adopted for your study. If you're preparing a research paper or grant proposal, sample abstract experimental research paper need to know how to write an abstract. So, take advantage of this section to reiterate the core sample abstract experimental research paper in your systematic investigation. Gender differences in cooperation with group membership Abstract: We study experimentally how males and females differ in the way same-gender peers observing their action affects their social behavior. Advantages of Informative Abstracts These abstracts save time for both the researcher and the readers. An abstract should be written in the third-person present tense. This sentence expresses first the objective, then the action undertaken to reach this objective, thus creating a strong and elegant connection between need and task. Your conclusion should contain three important elements: The primary take-home message The additional findings of importance The perspective Although the conclusion of your abstract should be short, it has a great impact on how readers perceive your study. If your paper includes a well-structured Introduction and an effective abstract, you need not repeat any of the Introduction in the Conclusion. Readers would measure your research outcomes against stated aims and objectives to know if you achieved the purpose of your study. Abbreviations used.