Rules for writing a research paper

Source: pexels. Writimg, it helps your reader find additional materials if he or she wishes to resaerch more about your topic. Rules for writing a research paper Statement The author received website content writing services usa specific funding for wriing article. The text in this article is licensed under the Creative Commons-License Attribution 4. Primary sources are rules for writing a research paper accounts, like published articles or pqper secondary sources are more removed, like critical reviews or secondhand biographies. Headings use title case. Be objective and honest about your rulex and do not exaggerate or belittle the significance of the results and the elegance of the methods developed. Taking a correct attitude during revision is critical to the resolution of most problems in the writing. When writing a scientific paper, you will need to adjust to the academic format. It might make sense to bookmark resources on your web browser or make a digital bibliography that allows you to link the resources you found. Aside from preparing your reader, the thesis statement also makes it easier for other researchers to assess whether or not your paper is useful to them for their own research. Citations are part of what sets research papers apart from more casual nonfiction like personal essays. All the stages of the investigation should be properly defined and explained. Here is an example of a research paper. When revising a draft, purge yourself out of the picture and leave your passion for your work aside. Purported Benefits of Low-Carbohydrate Diets.