Research paper sample conclusion

Hamilton College. Skip to main content. Consider anchoring the context in time, using phrases such as recentlyin the past 10 yearsor since the early s. When write my online dating profile for me a conclusion, a specific to general structure is usually recommended. It research paper sample conclusion go without saying that the conclusion should be one of the last, if research paper sample conclusion the very last, part of research paper sample conclusion paper that is written, with the possible exception research paper sample conclusion prefaces, forewords, and appendices. Do not include context for the sake of including context: Rather, provide only what will help readers better understand the need and, especially, its importance. What are the implications of this argument? A conclusion is like the final chord in a song. Each body paragraph should contain one key idea or claim, which is supported by relevant examples and evidence from the body of scholarly work on your topic i. Scitable Chat. Such a conclusion will help them see why all your analysis and information should matter to them after they put the paper down. Writers who are still developing their skills often make several common mistakes involving the conclusion to their paper. Here are three examples of such a combination: To confirm this assumptionwe studied the effects of a range of inhibitors of connexin channels. As new legislation and advances in technology have led many hospitals and clinics away from paper records, the debate between the two still lingers. Courses Programme search Paper search Course advice more