Research paper on internet of things pdf

You might interneg how this smartphone achieves such wonderful feats. The basic role interneet analytical tools is to investigate a situation research paper on internet of things pdf form a decision based upon the insight. Funding The research received no external funding. Pdt driving cars have the potential to communicate with other self driving vehicles by the means of intelligent sensors. Han SN, Interbet N. SDN and virtualization solutions for the internet of things: a survey. Literature Review The field of Internet of Things leads to a world of technology and to a new era where things can communicate, calculate and transform information fastly. Autonomous vehicles: Free-roaming robots move across factory floors: Nowadays with the convergence of technologies like robotics, sensors, 3D cameras, 5G connectivity, software and artificial intelligence, swarms of autonomous vehicles having found their way safely onto factory floors as a means of increasing the speed and accuracy of routine operation. A survey of 5G network: architecture and emerging technologies. Kim et al. IoT gateways have an important role in IoT communication as it allows connectivity between IoT servers and IoT devices related to several applications [ 40 ]. Pneumatic actuators use compressed air. Internet Society.