Research paper on data mining techniques pdf
Polikar, L. Kamberm Murty, Researh. Godoy-Izquierdo, I. Figure 8. Euclidian distance was used as a distance measure for both methods. KulthidaTuamsuk2 1 Ph. The number essay writing service london predictors sampled for splitting at research paper on data mining techniques pdf node m try in the random forest was set to 4 to achieve the largest accuracy, as shown in Figure 6. Given the specific dataset in the current study, even the CART method worked very well. Figure 8 is a graphical representation of the elbow curve generated from the process. Two other issues that need consideration are redundant variables and variables with little variance. Given the relatively small sample size of the current dataset, training, and tuning processes were both conducted on the training dataset. Abu-Naser, A. Jayalakshmi and Dr.