Research paper on customer satisfaction in hotel industry pdf

Table 4 shows the test reliability of the scale after EFA step. Article Google Scholar Johnson, M. Schellhase, R. About the perceived value elements, customer reviews are relatively o about the chstomer service prices, which jn competitive and correspond to the lndustry of service provided by the hotels. Marketing for Hospitality and Outsource web content writing 5th edition, Pearson. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Community tourism research paper on customer satisfaction in hotel industry pdf in Ba Thuoc, Quan Hoa, Lang Chanh and Cam Thuy districts are the areas that attract the most international visitors in the province with a variety of products and tours. However, the hotels mostly have been newly built in recent years, so they have not yet built a strong brand image. According to the Tourism Development Strategy of Thanh Hoa Province towith a vision toThanh Hoa will become one of the key tourist development points of the country. Article Google Scholar Stevens, P. The importance of each factor depends on the standardized Beta in terms of the absolute value of the factor. Anderson, E. Download references. We plan in the near future to make other qualitative analysis on other hotels in the same area and compare the results in order to obtain a wider view about customer satisfaction in Sicilian hotels. Journal of Marketing, 64 3 :