Research paper on career management pdf

Having to decide on a job or career ppdf among a multitude of options could resfarch to less favorable outcomes for young adults. A cognitive information processing approach to career problem solving and decision making. The essay writing chinese new year career theories portray the principles that guide this process. Journal ofVocational Behavior, 45, Build reearch culture of development. A life-span, carer approach to career development. This further operationalization of adapt- ability also seems to mirror the traditional focus on conscious planning and decision making. After this critical period, employers tend to provide fewer development and learning resources on the assumption that their older employees are no longer interested in learning Maurer, Especially young people who face the transition from school to work may experience indecision, often feeling unable to decide what career they wish to pursue. Brown, L. The economic prosperity of Western society has provided them with this choice luxury. Indeed, it is often argued in the career literature e. Planfulness in the tradi- tional sense seems to inhibit rather than support adaptability because it is primarily associated with life planning and "plotting the future" Savickas,p. Mastery-oriented individuals, on the other hand, focus on the develop- ment of competence, which can be accomplished by performing tasks that are new and challenge their abilities.