Quantum cryptography research paper pdf

Many issues exist within the Legal, Ethical, Social and Professional world which are limiting the full development and cryptographu implementation of QC. Follow us:. This hybrid was generally called Quantum Key Distribution QKD and included Time Polarization Ali, which uses the time between successive photons quantum cryptography research paper pdf the quantum cryptography research paper pdf, SARG04 and Decoy State; which both dryptography on the sharing of a photonic key before standardized data transmission Fehr, and Lo et al. For this reason, half ukessays login the times they are resewrch different basis, in which case the data are rejected immediately. One major assumption is that a third party- Eve, will not be able to eavesdrop on communications between Alice and Bob, for breach of QT rules. Their paper was made to expose the idea of QC and the BB84 protocol and show an improvement on what is currently being used in the world of cryptography. Their theory was revolutionary because it did not rely on the computational power of computers, but rather on the physical characteristics of light and the rules of Quantum Theory as we know it today. QKD is a hybrid solution that stunts the growth of QC. In order for an eavesdropper to gather information, they must first tap into the optical channel and intercept, measure and rebroadcast the polarized photon sent from Alice to Bob. In Octoberglobal research and advisory firm Gartner elevated the quantum computer threat to the top of its list of digital disruptions for which CIO s may not be prepared.