Purdue owl apa research paper example

APA recommends using 12 pt. There is currently no equivalent 7th edition page, but we're working on one. Purdue Online Writing Lab. Literature is an art form, purdue owl apa research paper example as such it is meant to move, inspire or even format of research paper in word its readers. To do this, indent as you would if you were starting a new paragraph, type Keywords: italicizedand then list your keywords. This material may not be published, reproduced, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed without permission. All rights reserved. General Writing FAQs. When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice. Type your title in upper and lowercase letters centered in the upper half of the page. The title should be centered and written in boldface. Literary criticism can seem daunting to a first time reader. As with the literature review, the length of this report may vary by course or by journal, but most often it will be determined by the scope of the research conducted. NOTE: A literature review and an annotated bibliography are not synonymous.

Video Purdue owl apa research paper example

Purdue OWL: APA Formatting - The Basics