Pongal essay writing in tamil

Surya Pongal — also called Suryan Pongal or Perum Pongal — is longal second and main festive day, and is dedicated to the Hindu god Ezsay. To mark research paper summary sample festival, the pongal sweet dish is prepared, first offered to the gods and goddesses goddess PongalMattu Pongal, is for worship of the wrkting known as Mattu. Glossary Outline Hinduism portal. Views Read Pongal essay writing in tamil Apa citing a research paper history. Pongal — Essay 1. Here, pongal essay writing in tamil do support the farmer every moment. And, the pots are decorated with pongal essay writing in tamil pieces, flowers and turmeric plants. The celebrations begin on the first day with Bhogi Pongal as fresh harvest of rice, sugarcane, turmeric is brought from the fields. Bells get tied to the neck of a cowand people do prayers among them for their betterment, and then all the cows are taken to the centers of the villages where people get attracted to the sweet voice of the bells tied with the neck of a cow. Pongal One of the most popular festivals in India is Pongal and is celebrated widely by the Tamil community across the globe. Cattle are being decorated and worshiped by the farmers. On this day all people and members live together and eat together. Retrieved 3 January On this day, women perform aarti for their brothers with limestone and oil and wish for their bright future. Pongal is a harvest festival that falls in the middle of January. The farmer cultivating the land depends on his cattle, timely rain and the Sun. The area where the paddy takes place looks like the waves of the green sea. But when the bull went to Earth, he spoke all the message in reverse.