One flew over the cuckoos nest movie review essay

While the film is generally regarded a cinematic masterpiece, Ken One flew over the cuckoos nest movie review essay has vowed he will never view it due to disputes with the film's producers, Michael Douglas and Saul Zaentz. Marvelous and the Black Hole Katie Rife. In fact, as example of essay type test icon of the counterculture it as, at least, ironic that they can be read this way. McMurphy's fate, presented in such an uncompromising manner, is like a punch to the gut, and the last true act of friendship shown to him by Chief brings a tear to the eye. Learn More. But watch her preternatural calm, her impassive "fairness," her inflexible adherence to the rules, as in the scene where she demands McMurphy get a majority vote in order to turn on the World Series on TV--this despite the fact that a majority of the patients don't understand what they are voting on. Arguably, some of the issues addressed by One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest are not as relevant in as they were in the mids, but that realization in no way diminishes the film's dramatic impact. I believe his first instincts were correct. In the Watergate atmosphere of the Nixon administration, this theme resonated forcefully. Beneath the surface, it's about the attempts of an autocratic force to squash the individual.