Marijuana research paper thesis

The legalization of marijuana would also lessen the burden of an increasingly taxed and exhausted criminal justice system. New Mexico was the only state in the early legislative era to different types of research paper formats legal provisions for state-licensed dispensaries in its initial legislation in Julybut threats of federal prosecution led marijuana research paper thesis indefinite delays in marijuana research paper thesis Baker Even early studies examining immediate changes in laws using data from the s and s did not generate consistent findings. The potential effects on youth consumption have been of particular concern in the literature, because evidence suggests that use of marijuana during early adolescence predicts increased risk of dependence, lower educational attainment, and cognitive impairment Hall Bibliography StudyCorgi. However, there are other people who use the drug as a medication to ease their suffering from diseases such as Cancer, Insomnia, chronic pains and aches, and Aids. The use of a single dichotomous indicator for the initial passage of an MML in policy evaluation obscures both types of variation. There are a number of reasons for this, including, particularly, lack of attention to the heterogeneity of existing policies, the specificity of the populations examined, and modes of consumption. Perhaps because of the federal permission for states to regulate medical marijuana more directly, medical marijuana policies adopted by states for the first time during this postlegislative era e. In a new twist, operators Rogers Communications and Shaw Communications are delaying their proposed merger following concerns from the country's competition commissioner.