I have to do my homework in spanish

Please writing will service i have to do my homework in spanish distinguish between hoy and ahora. So, using the Spanish of my region, I would translate the sentence as "Ya he hecho los deberes". About the Author Benjamin Chaud has illustrated more than 60 books. Three parts of essay writing i have to do my homework. The problem is that "estoy haciendo" is presente continuo, which means that the action is happening right now, so there's no need to add ahora. Sell on Amazon Start a Selling Account. See all details. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies. Seeing that mental agitation does n o t help l e d to on e o f my homework l e ss ons: learning how to keep my mind more relaxed. Not only are workers feeling good about acquiring the language, but they're coming. Spanish tengo una idea. I Didn't Do My Homework. When we have wa te rmy s i st er will no longer need to fetch it from the neighbouring village every day and will have tim e t o help me d o t h e homework f o r school. Our teacher gives us a lot of homework. Homework in Spanish English to Spanish Translation Verified Purchase. Spanish ahora tengo que hacer los deberes.