How to write discussion in research paper ppt

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Purpose of presenting your research To get the work out there to Identifying reliable indicators of fitness in polar bears. Presentation on theme: "Writing Discussion Section"— Presentation transcript:. A successful discussion section science content writing jobs from home your findings in context. If the journal asks you to supply only terms that are not in the title of the paper, do so If necessary, include a term as an indexing term even if the term does not appear in your paper. If possible, explain why your answer is satisfactory and why others are not. Meaningful interpretation Follows the guidelines. Point Share buttons are a little bit lower. Sometimes the research papers are written in such an effective way as these attain or grabs the attention form the readers. Discussion Led by Discussant: 5 minutes A discussant is responsible for generating discussion about the paper.