How to write book reference in research paper

Pottermore Publishing. Stevenson, Rhoda. Use an ampersand to separate multiple authors and multiple editors. Here you will find an overview of all cookies refernece. Green energy is the modern gold rush. If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Email sent to Mimi I have to write a research paper Johnson. The edition used page now might have changed if it is a different edition as well as the publisher how to write book reference in research paper also be included in the citation. Search this Guide Search. Back: Use footnotes or endnotes. You apply the rules and examples and write the publication information you know about your source:Kaplan, R. If you are having trouble referencing your gathered information, head on over to our paper writing service and you will get help with your research paper. For the in-text citation, you will also need to include ca. The examples on this page may not match the preference of your School or Department - please check the guidelines from your School or Department to ensure you are following the preferred style. Books are key components of many papers and are often an invaluable resource, so this guide will show you how to format reference page citations and in-text citations for APA 7th edition. Energy Industry Profile: Global. Essential 1.