How to write author name in research paper

If the work is a journal article, how to write author name in research paper the title of the article immediately following the publication date. Usually, it is the only aspect of the article that appears in tables of content and in many of the databases used for literature searches. Line art, graphs, charts and schematics For optimal results, you should supply all line art, how long to write 8 page research paper, charts and schematics in vector format, such as EPS or AI. Metamotivational knowledge of the role of high-level and low-level construal in goal-relevant task performance. Enter a URL that you wish to archive and your e-mail address. Daily newspapers, use Year, Month, Day Titles: article titles - capitalize first word in titles, and proper names. The novel use of phase change materials in refrigeration plant. Exploring methods in information literacy research. Place the source information in parentheses the name of the person and date of communication. Ask a librarian. This is a departure from APA 6, which only required listing the first six authors before an ellipsis and the final author's name. Figures containing spectra generally will not be published as a manuscript figure unless the data are directly relevant to the central conclusions of the paper. If you have any further questions about the submission and preparation of Supplementary Information, please email: scirep.