How to write a reference page in a research paper

The medium of publication is "web. You may find the book or report layouts will be suitable. Nature [Online] ; : APA: Thompson, J. Table There are various formats for tables, essay writing website script upon the information you wish to include. To understand how to how to write a reference page in a research paper in a research paper, learn about different styles which were created for this purpose. Write a first draft. Get Help with Your Paper! Then Gurglehoff did something-or-other in Or In Our Time. Left-align the entries, beginning flush left. About This Article. Energy adviser puts forward powerful case for hydrogen. Department of State, 11 Oct. When you are finished writing your paper, you can use the information on your note cards to double-check your bibliography. There are different formats for bibliographies, so be sure to use the one your teacher prefers. Your goal is to describe the details of your study in such a way that another researcher could duplicate your methods exactly. If the title is used as the author, this should be written in italics.