How to write a good discussion in a research paper

We use cookies and other tools on how to write a good discussion in a research paper site. Other erroneous issues consist of superfluousness of the manuscript with unnecessary repetitions, undue, and recurrent references to the problems adressed in reserach manuscript or their solution methods, overcriticizing or overpraising other studies, and use how to make money from content writing a pompous literary language overlooking the main objective of sharing information. Pzper, J. Murray R. Therefore, during construction of a draft, attention distracting environment should be avoided, and this step should be completed within 1—2 hours. In: Murray R, editor. How To How to Receive and Respond to Peer Review Feedback A thoughtful, thorough approach to your revision response now can save you time in further rounds of review. Writing a discussion can be a delicate balance between summarizing your results, providing proper context for your research and avoiding introducing new information. It serves almost as a rudimentary dra You must also recommend how we might get to point C i. Before writing down the manuscript, determination of 2—3 titles increases the motivation of the authors towards the manuscript. Begin the discussion with a statement of the major findings of the research. However working together in harmony requires assignment of a chief researcher, and periodically organizing advancement meetings.