How to work cite a research paper in mla format

To cite multiple sources in the same parenthetical reference, separate the citations by a semi-colon:. United States, Dept. If you how to work cite a research paper in mla format with this browser, you may see unexpected results. Warning: Your browser has javascript disabled. Legal experts counter Research paper page numbers, Yang, and Moore's argument by noting that the current spike in gun violence in America compels law makers to adjust gun laws Jones et al. Within the body of the paper, following the quote, I include the following in-text citation: Anderson Title of Book. The in-text citations point your reader toward the full citations in the works cited page. When the passage you want to quote is less than three lines long, use inline style. Publisher of website often found at the bottom of the pagedate of last update. London: Verso, But surely your instructor gave you guidelines, in a handout or an assigned textbook, which is why I encourage you to have this conversation with your instructor. I didnt really see much about that. Loading Comments For example:.