How much to charge for web content writing

There are lots of factors that can influence your rate. It's totally free! Subscribe to ContentFly Blog On-demand content creation for businesses Get the latest posts delivered right to your inbox. You have about the writing essay introductions worksheet chances of winning either way. I have never heard how much to charge for web content writing these bonuses in freelance content writing, but that can be something to consider in your calculations. We recommend Freelancing for Dummies. It helps me to improve my writing and approach to writing. After a while, you get a feeling of the time it takes you to create, say, an article, ebook, or email sequence and use a per-project fee based on your hourly rate. Pricing includes communication, collaboration, and feedback Proactively communicating with you via email. Awesome copywriters cost money. A page website with relatively minor structural problems will cost less to fix than a 1,page website with hundreds of errors, a botched https migration and no image alt text to speak of. Some writing takes a lot more time and skill to write than others, and the pricing of these projects will reflect that. As a point of reference, Payscale data from freelance content writers from several countries, including:. Thank You so much. My website thewriter-robertagriffin. You gave a ton of great info. On rare cases it may cost slightly more, depending on the complexity of the subject and research involved.