How do i start content writing

And while design factors in to how much people trust your contentyour writing plays a big role too. Most visitors only spend 15 content writing for ngo reading an article before leaving. Linking to mainstream media sources, government sites, universities, and high-profile brands could make your content writing more credible. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your contact how do i start content writing will not be published. While many content writers go to school for English or Marketing, or even a Writing-specific degree, it's certainly not necessary. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Name required. James Parsons says: June 04, at pm Hey Pankaj! A post that might have taken me two or three hours to write a few years ago, I could write better in less time today. Recently Joined Bloggers Yogesh Kumar. Content writing is much more than just drafting a piece. Thanks again. In these cases, writers should be well versed in the subject matter with the relevant qualifications. To do this well, you need to be an expert in your field.