Health insurance research paper pdf

This review will exclude descriptive cross-sectional health insurance research paper pdf studies, commentaries, hwalth, editorials, reviews and conference abstracts. Full size image. A oaper data extraction form will be used for extraction of the data. Additional file 1. It is sometimes not practical to conduct randomised controlled trials RCTs to measure the effect of public health interventions, therefore, the review will also include other study designs. Sample argumentative research paper apa style health insurance research paper pdf may have its roots in the pdr guidelines for the implementation of the earlier government-sponsored health insurance papdr, Mukhyamantri Ersearch, were designed. Introduction Health insurance is one of the important approaches that can help in boosting universal healthcare coverage through improved healthcare utilisation and financial protection. Nat J Res Community Med ; 8 : — 9. The main aim of the PMJAY is to lessen the economic burden experienced by poor and vulnerable groups for access to healthcare facility. A similar observation has been made in a study carried out by the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry on the cost of procedures and rates offered under PM-JAY wherein the report concluded that there is a need for an upward revision in the rate of packages [ 28 ]. Hence, there is a need to broaden the scope of capacity-building efforts to provide an understanding of medical terminology, medical procedures, and package-related documentation. Table 3 Data extraction format. Based on the comments received from the WHO team, the interview guide and observation checklist was revised Refer to Additional file 1 for interview and observation guide.