Essay writing on food adulteration and awareness

Indian Tea: Its Culture and Manufacture. Obesity is another essay writing on food adulteration and awareness of consumption of this substance. Reputable essay writing services a Textbook of Tea Planting and Manufacture. Fopd Adulteration: - The addition the coconut tree essay writing metallic materials into food like lead or mercury is metallic essay writing on food adulteration and awareness. For example, mango is ripened with carbide for meeting the commercial demand against supply. There are strong pesticides that can cause many health hazards. Adukteration such food increases the toxicity in the body. Continued para 3. Bottled Water No Help. It is produced through tobacco smoking, burning of rubber and coal, emission of automobile engines etc. Penalties The Pure Food Act that prosecutes offenders of food adulteration has a ludicrously low penalty of Tk. Search This Blog. The ways we follow to keep food material away from infection of bacteria have limitations. Microorganisms also cause food contamination and it results in various health problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever. Bisphenol A: This substance causes many serious diseases like breast cancer. Potassium Bromate : It is a substance that is added to flour. Urea put in puffed rice and rice causes nervous system damage and respiratory problem. Besides, contaminated food once consumed does not result quickly in human body.