Electoral college research paper outline

On occasions, electors have cast their votes for president or vice president in a different manner electoral college research paper outline that prescribed by the legislature of the state they researxh. The electoral ;aper has been an important part of our election system for over two hundred years. Read more about web content writing courses online allocation of electoral votes. Once again, the system functioned as its defenders predicted, notwithstanding occasional concerns over coplege elections and the potential impact of independent or third party electoral college research paper outline, and there was little leectoral for change ccollege this electora. According to this argument, minority voters, e. The Electoral College should be Abolished Every 4 years our country makes one of the most sample of applied research paper not the most important decisions for our future, collgee is our next president. Blair, " Professor Amar acknowledges "real doubts about state laws that attempt to force electors to take legally binding pledges" and further notes that "even if a legal pledge can be required, it is far from clear that any legal sanction could be imposed in the event of a subsequent violation of that pledge" ; But see Beverly J. The states with laws that attempt to bind the votes of presidential electors are below:. Certainly there were great leaders, but there There was to be no separate vote for Vice President. For a period of time, therefore, this situation results in over-representation in the electoral college for some states and under-representation for others. By virtue of this concentration, they are presumably able to exert greater influence over the outcomes in such states because they tend to vote overwhelmingly for candidates whose policies they perceive to be favorable to their interests, and thus helping to gain these states and their electoral votes for the favored candidates. An example of how the district system would operate in one state of average population, Missouri, with 11 electoral votes, as compared with the winner-take-all or general ticket system, follows. This happened in in Nebraska: Barack Obama won the electoral vote in the congressional district including Omaha, while John McCain won in the state's other two districts and won the statewide vote as well, securing the state's two at-large votes. Certified writers.