Cotton research paper pdf

Issue Section:. To better understand how Xinjiang cotton might be entering into transnational supply chains, we used publicly accessible customs data how to start content writing investigate five cotton research paper pdf textile companies Huafu Cotton research paper pdf, Lianfa Textiles, Luthai Textiles, Texhong Textiles, and Weiqiao Textiles to identify some of the routes by which Xinjiang cotton may be reaching international consumers, including through some of China's top cotton textile export partner countries. Accountability Third parties should be able to hold corporations legally accountable for harm suffered as a result academic research paper pdf corporate complicity in forced labour. Our research further identified several individual items cotton research paper pdf apparel that are currently being sold by international brands that run a high risk of being made of Xinjiang cotton due to the relationships between international intermediary manufacturers and Chinese companies sourcing cotton from the Uyghur Region. Laundering Cotton: How Xinjiang Cotton is Obscured in International Supply Chains is an investigation into how forced-labor-produced cotton and cotton-based goods from the Uyghur Region wend their way into international supply chains. Both governments and corporations — regardless of their size — can and should identify these export channels and ensure that forced-labor-made goods do not reach consumers. Evidence Base The evidence of forced labour in the Uyghur Region is expansive and growing. We support community partners addressing modern slavery internationally and in the UK through our research, clinics, and consultation. Anonymous Researcher 3. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide. Corporate Responses HKC wrote to all of the companies named in the report to allow them a chance to respond to our findings. Volume Manufacturers in these countries serve as intermediaries in finishing cotton-based apparel, thus obscuring the provenance of the cotton. New issue alert. Close mobile search navigation Article Navigation. Those responses are included in the document below. Contact the Helena Kennedy Centre to discuss facilities, partnerships, doctoral research and more.

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