Animal testing research paper outline

In the United States of America, many organizations are debating whether or not animal testing should be banned. Every day, mice, rats, cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, birds and primates are used. Medications such as aspirin kill cats, and penicillin kills guinea pigs, yet guinea pigs can safely eat strychnine, one of the deadliest animal testing research paper outline for humans that is safe for monkeys to consume Haugen, animal testing research paper outline It should reference the background preferably the last sentence of the background as well olx content writing jobs the main argument of the thesis. Animal abuse comes in many forms such as scientific research, abandonment, mistreatment, and so on. Essentially, animals should be free of these torture devices and know that they have the right to be unconfined, not impersonated, killed, or carry trails out on. Glancing around the room, you see many creatures are in pain. Plagiarism checker Do the check. With that, stopping harsh treatments, rid of unnecessary testing, and have more options to animal testing. Essay About Animal Testing Imagine being locked up inside a small and cramped cage with nothing but a feces-filled water bowl that has not been changed for 5 days. Scientists defend testing on animals because they are conducted in the name of protecting consumers, while manufacturers rely on animal testing to verify the safety of the product and protect them from lawsuits McCoy, Experimentations on animals do not just include dogs and cats, but animals like hamsters, monkeys, birds, and frogs PETA. The Center for Laboratory Animal Welfare. Body While there is a law in effect that regulates the condition of animals used in experiments, the legality of these tests is not enforced.