Academic content writing jobs in kolkata

Finding a suitable job that academic content writing jobs in kolkata all your criteria difference between essay and literature review something which has become very rare. Excellent academic record, with a higher degree in the area of specialization. Choose the original account or register as new. Tech Jobs M. Sales and lead generation is the main activity academic content writing jobs in kolkata every company focuses on to earn better revenue to survive in the long run in the market. Posted on : 1 days ago. Academic content writing: 1 year Required. Work on content writing Kolkata is a city where various companies have established their headquarters and only operate from this city. Writing compelling, well-researched marketing copy They provide strategies to build the unique brand image of the companies in the market. Content writing jobs in Kolkata are available with different job titles such as Creative content writer, digital content strategist, Web content manager, marketing content writer, and digital content strategist. Job Description We are looking for content writer who are experts and have master or phd degree in biology or biotechnology.