About us content writing

How to write an About Us page: recap. Include your real photo and also pictures of writkng employees with products if appropriate. After research paper on down syndrome outline, a picture says more than a thousand words. While there are many about us content writing who do not have the big success either, they are conyent to grow with someone who is moving forward and reaching for the dreams. That tale belongs on your About Us page. As a self-described "creative hustler," "rule-breaker," and "designer of dope brands," the language ShaDrena uses on her site comes across as edgy and authentic, a perfect way to make her copy mirror her personality. Careers — We're hiring! I think testimonials on an About Page are great — Johnny Truant does a nice job with that. People who visit the website will know that giving back and paying it forward are important to the people at TalEx. Keep in mind that writing your actual copy in the first person e. Just keep it short, make it easy to understand and offer a benefit. This is an demonstration of using proof in copywriting.